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Awakening: The Elder Chronicles, Volume 1 Page 17
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Page 17
He continued, "Now, how did you know I was conversing with others?"
Elena hesitated. "I could see your mental threads—the telepathic connections between you and your compatriots." She blushed a little bit. "I also didn't like what I was hearing. Somebody told you I was dangerous, and I should not live."
Aden began laughing. "You see, this is the problem with eavesdropping. You sometimes get one part of the conversation, not the other. The part you missed was my correspondent was referring to Mairya, not to you. I, myself, and all of my allies are sympathetic to your goals. We wish to help you reach the Elder, and we will gladly give our lives to end the stranglehold of the Opposition."
"Alec was right in coming to me," he continued. "I believe I will be able to help you. My hope is we can provide enough interference to confound Mairya's lackeys in their pursuit of you."
"I do, though, have one last question of you and Alec." Aden glanced from one to the other as he paused. "Alec mentioned René is dead. Would you two care to explain? He was a close and dear friend of mine."
Alec hung his head. "Aden, it is with great regret I bring such terrible news. Elena and I went to Paris to seek René's assistance. However, he was not himself. Elena caught parts of a conversation between him and Mairya. She instructed him to detain us until she could arrive. I am afraid he was persuaded to join the Opposition."
Elena watched Aden's reaction as Alec told him the story. She noticed despite his previous outburst, he remained impassive.
"When Elena confronted him," Alec continued, "he attacked me. However, the fight was over in seconds. Elena somehow managed to destroy his mind with her own."
She felt like a new Christmas toy being ogled by a spoiled, rich child.
"And that is what I am most interested in," Aden said. "I have heard of Daimones being able to cause mental pain. But there were two I heard of who could destroy another with their mind. The Elder, of course, is the first I had heard of. After all, without him, we never would have been. There are no limits to his powers."
"The second Daimon who could kill with their mind was Mairya."
Elena started as he revealed her name.
"And to think," he continued, "you have actually fought her and survived! It is simply astounding! It makes me wonder who your maker actually is."
Elena paused. "Aden, you and Alec both mentioned Mairya is a third generation Daimon, correct?"
"Yes," he replied.
"And it is very hard for lesser generations to harm higher ones, correct?" she asked.
"Yes," he responded. "With very few exceptions, the lower generations are physically and mentally weaker than the higher ones. So, it is very hard for a lower generation Daimon to truly harm a higher generation," he explained.
"But it is not impossible," Aden cautioned.
To which Alec added, "If you'll remember those Daimones I vanquished in Canada—they were actually a higher generation than I am. I happened to get lucky and best them in battle is all."
Elena nodded. "Okay, then how could I hurt Mairya so easily?"
Aden smiled. "Well," he began, "I speculate your progenitor must have been either first or second generation although I am not so sure any of them still survive. I believe there was one second generation Daimon, Nakir, hiding out in Romania, but I have not heard much of him in the past few centuries. Not, at least, since the Huns invaded the region in the fifth century.
Aden sounded giddy as he continued, "Nakir was actually famous for his cruelty in the battles against the Huns. His penchant for impaling his victims and his knack of swooping down upon his enemies gave him the moniker of dragon—dracul. Ten centuries later, Vlad III emulated his strategy and became the inspiration for the popular story, Dracula."
As the night wore on, Aden finally stood from his seat and asked, "How long has it been since you had a decent night's sleep?"
Alec laughed in reply, but Elena's head drooped as she said, "I don't think I can remember the last good night of sleep. It's been nothing but catnaps since I left school. It feels like forever."
"Good," Aden said to her. "You will be sleeping here for as long as it takes to rest your body. Do not be concerned about Mairya. You will be safe here. Not only have you eluded her, but even if she found you, she would be foolish to try and attack me. I may be younger than she is, but she has yet to win a battle against me." Aden exhibited a broad, toothy grin uncharacteristic to the polished courtly persona he presented.
"Please follow my daughter, Felicia, to the room we have prepared for you, and get yourself to bed," Aden said, gesturing toward the doorway. "Rest as long as you need. There will be food for you when you wake."
Elena followed Felicia up the grand stairway and down a long hallway to a large sleeping chamber. The chamber had its own bathroom and a large custom bed. It didn't matter, though, what amenities the room had because she cared solely about crawling into the bed.
Felicia turned to her. "There are pajamas you can use in the chest over there," she said pointing to a cedar chest on the far side of the room. "And there are linens in the bathroom in case you would like to freshen up."
Elena very much liked the idea of a pair of fresh pajamas, and once Felicia had left the room, she rifled through the chest. There were designer pajamas of many sizes and varieties. She picked out a set of silk Fendi pajamas in her size and put them on. She neatly folded her clothes, which were a few hours old, and placed them at the foot of the bed.
Slipping in between the satin sheets, she noticed the weight of the fur comforter, and it made her feel safe and warm. She curled up and brought the covers tight around herself, clasping them in her hands under her chin. However, sleep remained a ways off as she considered her host, deciding on whether or not she could actually trust him.
Chapter Seventeen
A thin trickle of light dribbled through a tiny window high in the chamber wall beyond the foot of the bed. The light splashed across her face, bathing her in its glow. She sat up, pushing the heavy fur comforter off with great effort. Despite its weight, the satin sheets and the silk pajamas, she had been quite comfortable through the night. Climbing from the bed, she found the floor to be pleasant and temperate as she made her way to the bathroom. On the sink she found a brand new toothbrush and a note saying, "Elena, Aden has given us a few essential supplies." She didn't recognize the handwriting, but guessed it came from Alec.
After a warm shower, brushing her teeth, and taking care of her other needs, she headed back into the bedroom. Laid out on the bed were clean lined jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt, and a wool sweater and socks. Felicia must have laid them out for her. Had they been here last night when she fell asleep? She couldn't remember seeing them, but welcomed her host's hospitality.
She dressed quickly, pleased everything fit her exactly right—almost like the clothes had been tailored to fit her. A pair of comfortable leather hiking boots had been placed under the right side of the bed. They were probably the most warm, comfortable hikers she had ever worn.
The clothes had not been on her bed when she woke. In order for the clothes to be here, someone must have come into the room while she showered. Out of the corner of her eye, Felicia sat on a plump golden chair against the far wall.
"Hello, Felicia," Elena said, despite finding it odd the woman sat in silence, watching her.
The woman nodded. "Hello, Elena. Did you sleep well?"
"Yes." Elena paused for a second,
"It has been very nice of you and your family to show us such hospitality."
Felicia chuckled. "There is no need to thank us," she told Elena. "Be sure."
Felicia's tone made the hairs on Elena's arms stand on end. Something seemed not quite right about her manner.
"So, where is Alec? Is he up, yet?" Then, she added, "What time is it, anyway?"
Felicia read the expensive timepiece on her wrist. "It is late. You have been asleep for some time. Alec is with Aden. They have been detained by some pressing matters. I
f you would come with me, I can show you to your meal."
Elena nodded and followed Felicia out of the bedchamber, down the hallway, and to the great staircase.
"So what time is it?" Elena repeated her question as she followed.
"It is a little after noontime," Felicia replied. "Come, our servants have prepared a brunch for you. There are all sorts of Hungarian specialties."
As Elena began to descend the staircase, her senses were assailed by a variety of aromas. In the dining room, the table had been laid out with several meat dishes, deviled eggs, omelets, pancakes, fruits, and jams, bottles of champagne, juices, pots of coffee, and a wide variety of pastries and breads.
"Aden and Alec have both already eaten, so please enjoy." Felicia motioned to the food.
Perhaps Elena had gotten the wrong impression of her before. She watched as Felicia headed out one of the doorways and left her alone to the abundant breakfast feast.
She gathered a large plate of food and poured a hot cup of coffee, adding milk and two spoons of sugar. She sat down at the table and began shoveling in her breakfast, finding it to be delicious. She enjoyed as much as she could eat.
It took her about fifteen minutes to feel full. She stood and swallowed the last swig of her third cup of coffee as Felicia came back into the room.
"When do Aden and Alec expect to return?" Elena asked.
"When she has finished with them," Felicia replied with a smirk.
Panic stirred in her. She opened up her mind and scanned the room. There were mental threads flying about everywhere. And then Mairya's thread appeared in the air. She didn't understand how she knew it was Mairya's, but she knew. Elena lashed out at Felicia with her mind for conversing with Mairya.
Despite wanting to destroy Felicia for betraying her, Alec, and Aden, she couldn't bring harm to Aden's daughter. And to do so may destroy her chances of finding the Elder.
She reigned in her punishment of the woman and settled upon paralyzing her a little rather than destroying her mind. Spittle began to pour from Felicia's mouth, and her body slumped to the hard stone floor. Then, Elena focused her attention on her true target.
Very good, Newborn. Mairya invaded her mind. You have learned much in the past few days. I am truly impressed. Yours truly is an "Awakening." However, you neglected to recognize my Mistress has allies in nearly every corner of this world. Now your beloved protector and his former mentor are about to endure some truly diabolic machinations of my own devising. The woman's mental voice laughed coolly in her head.
No! Elena shouted at her. I have beaten you once. I will do it again!
Mairya's spoke with rage. You will never again harm me. Your luck in resisting me will soon come to an end, child! Do not dare to think you can resist me forever!
Elena's head twinged. The seeds of a dull ache grew over her eyes followed by a sensation akin to her brain boiling. Grabbing her head with both hands, she collapsed to her knees, tears rolling from her eyes.
See, child. I told you, you could not resist me forever. It's too bad I will have disappointed my Mistress by killing you.
Through the numbness now overtaking her senses, Elena turned her attention to Mairya. Following the woman's mental thread, she forced back at Mairya with all of her might. The pain in her head slowed, and then stopped, Elena watched as the mental thread receded back into Mairya. The connection attempted to snap off, but Elena couldn't let her get away. She wanted to end it and end it now.
Focusing her mind on the origin of the mental thread, Elena willed herself to be there. Her eyes blurred for a fraction of a second and she lost sight of the mental thread. As the room came back into focus, she found herself standing a few feet behind Mairya.
How did you do that?
Alec's voice intruded in her mind. Scanning the room, she found him in the corner of the room. Her mind scanned her surroundings. The lofty room contained all manner of torture devices and resembled a dungeon right out of some gothic horror film. And then it occurred to her she had seen Alec strapped to one of the devices in the corner. It resembled a pair of rollers with ropes at the head and foot positions connected to large hand cranks and gears. She knew from her history textbooks this particular device was called as the rack, its purpose to stretch and break a person's joints, causing them excruciating pain. And Mairya took sick pleasure in using it.
Alec, she said to him, are you okay? She couldn't keep her concern for him out of her voice.
I'll be fine, he replied. We heal fast. She could hear the pain in his voice and his tone didn't sound too convincing.
Where is Aden? she asked. She could see Alec's eyes move slightly. She followed his gaze and saw Aden strapped into another device. This one resembled a large cruciform frame with screws placed over the joints. Aden didn't move or scream. He lay there on the device as several Daimones kept turning the screws, increasing pressure on his joints.
Elena's conversations and observations happened within fractions of a second. Eavesdropping on the conversations flying through the room, Elena heard Mairya yell for several of her cohorts to grab her.
Three Daimon males rushed toward her with spectacular speed. But to Elena, they moved in slow motion. Watching them move, she stayed a few steps ahead.
Two of them stood to her right, with the closest to her left. He lunged with outstretched arms, but Elena had already anticipated his move. She flew up into the air and hovered as two of the attacking Daimones, the one on her left and the closest one on her right, crashed into each other. The third Daimon saw the collision and dodged, crashing into a stunned Mairya. Elena snatched a knife out of the hand of another Daimon across the room and landed next to Alec. She cut the ropes on the torture device then rushed over to free Aden. Instead of trying to unscrew Aden's device, she simply tore the device apart with her bare hands. She had avoided the attacks and freed both of her friends before Mairya had even stumbled backward from the force of the other Daimon crashing into her. She landed again to Mairya's right and waited for the falling Daimon woman to turn toward her.
Shock and astonishment covered Mairya's face. She lashed out at Elena with one of her fists. But she caught the blow in her hand, and crushed the fist, breaking several bones.
That, Elena spat at her, is for torturing Alec.
Elena followed her attack with another, breaking Mairya's elbow joint by forcing it in the wrong direction. To Elena, it was justice served cold to hear the satisfying crunch and her whimpers of pain and surprise. And that is for Aden.
Leave me alone, Elena barked at Mairya. Stop hunting me. I do not want to hurt you. But I will if you make me.
Mairya glared at her in a mix of fury and pain. But I want to hurt you, don't you understand? I want to kill you.
Why? Elena asked. Why do you want to kill me?
Because my Mistress told me to, Mairya yelled. She can see now where your allegiances are. You have become a traitor to your species and therefore have become our enemy.
Elena flew quickly, grabbed Alec and Aden, and left the room through an opening in the carved stone ceiling. She could hear Mairya's mental scream of rage and frustration. Both Alec and Aden clapped their hands to their heads, but as Elena flew faster, they quickly reached the limit of Mairya's mental range. Elena could see the woman's mental thread had stretched thin to the point of transparency.
"Elena," Aden began, "I swear it was not I who told Mairya where you were."
Elena nodded. "It was Felicia."
"My Felicia? No, impossible! She would never betray me. She's my best aide. I trust her with my most sensitive plans. She could not have done such a thing. I don't believe it."
His mental thread shot through space, likely in an attempt to contact his daughter. But given Felicia's recent betrayal, she decided to block his mental thread before it could reach her.
"Aden," she said to him, "we cannot afford to give away our location to Mairya. She will not be far behind us."
Aden laughed. "That is what you t
hink. Do you recognize where you are?"
She didn't.
"These are familiar skies," he told her, "and for the life of me cannot understand how we are here. This is at best a five hour's journey for a winged Daimon, and you have made it here in a matter of seconds. Mairya will not be catching up with us any time soon."
Elena finally released both Aden and Alec so they could fly of their own volition. "Aden, wasn't it you who told me last night nobody would dare to attack you in your own manse?" she asked. "And even if they dared, no attack would be successful?"
Aden turned away, obviously embarrassed.
"And didn't Mairya carry off a successful coup?" she continued her questioning. "Didn't I rescue you from your very own dungeon?" Aden seemed a little cowed by her questions. Elena paused. "Aden I don't want to underestimate what Mairya is capable of. She's been resourceful enough to stay hot on our heels since she and I brawled in the London pub."
Aden tilted his head. "Pub? Wait a moment. Are you referring to the terror attack in London?" Then his face lit with recognition, "It is you two the human authorities are looking for?"
Elena nodded. "I hope you can see your old friend and I are not terrorists."
Aden shook his head. "She will want vengeance. If she decides to kill you, then she will make your death slow and painful."
His head dropped. "I am worried about my other children," he said. "I fear Mairya will use them to get to me. And in turn, to get to you."
She couldn't let Mairya use the blood of innocents against her. "Aden," she said, "do you wish to go back and save your family?"
He inhaled deeply, caught her eye, and shook his head. "No," he said firmly. "You are far too important to be lost on some fool's errand. Mairya will likely exact her vengeance on you by killing my family. It would be no use to try and save them. To try would be a trap."