Awakening: The Elder Chronicles, Volume 1 Read online

Page 16

  She scanned the air and found the mental thread. The fairly thin strand appeared deeply colored with mottled blues and greens. Tapping Alec on the shoulder, she followed it with her eyes to its source. "Follow me," she said to him, "I see where he is."

  "Elena," Alec replied, "I don't think we should be wandering around here." She could feel him shiver slightly. His eyes narrowed and muscles rippled as his body tensed. "Something doesn't feel right."

  She scanned her surroundings. He was right. She could see there were seven different mental threads passing around the grounds. The hackles rose on her neck as warning bells went off in the back of her mind. There shouldn't be so many people here. There were Daimones surrounding them on all sides. And then it became clear, they had fallen into a trap. She could not understand why she could see the mental threads but not hear their conversations.

  Perhaps they used another special Daimon ability. She wondered what would happen if she tried to focus on one of the threads? Doing so she jumped, bombarded with a flood of telepathy.

  He says he is your friend, the thread's owner said to his conversant, but he does not reach out to you. You cannot trust him, Aden, if he is not willing to open himself to you. What if he has joined Her forces and works to destroy us?

  She listened to the conversation for a few moments longer. "Alec, they are skeptical of your loyalties, but I feel, based on their conversation, they are truly aligned with us in our mission. Let's simply introduce ourselves to him. We have come too far now to give up. Trap or not, we need to speak with him."

  How do you know our doubts? Came the clear, deep timbre voice again.

  "He is either reading my thoughts or yours," she said to Alec. "But either way, he is able to hear us when we speak." As she spoke her last phrase, it dawned on her one of the other mental threads sat close by, close enough to hear them. Their words were being broadcast to Aden through one of his companions.

  "Alec," she said softly, "one of his companions is conveying our words to him." She nodded her head toward the source of the thread she had seen.

  Alec spoke. "Aden, it has been a long time, dear friend," he said. "I am here to ask for your assistance. We cannot speak with our minds because Mairya is on our trail. She has been able to locate us through our telepathy. She has the ability to see our telepathic connections as we speak and follow them to our location. We must use speech in order to confound her. I would advise we all do the same in order to keep the purpose and direction of our quest a secret. Can we meet with you?"

  A large form floated down from the top of the highest smokestack. Elena knew at once it belonged to Aden. The rest of the Daimones emerged from the darkness where they hid.

  Aden's massive form stood nearly seven feet tall with a wiry frame. He wore no shirt and his physique appeared chiseled from stone. Like most of the Daimones she had met, he had a youthful appearance. He had shoulder-length hair as black as oil, and his silver eyes reflected the moonlight. The wings extending from his back were much different from Alec's. Whereas Alec had feathery white wings like those of a dove, Aden's were leathery and very similar to those of a bat. She also noted he had a wingspan nearly twice Alec's. She could imagine such a Daimon as this gave rise to the legends of vampires like Dracula.

  His physical voice mimicked his mental one. "Alec," the massive Daimon asked, "what is this quest you speak of?"

  "I would prefer we speak of these things in a more discreet place," Alec replied. "Would this be possible?"

  He nodded. "Of course," Aden responded. "You may join me at my manse in Domos."

  Aden launched himself skyward with great power, his wings beating the air with strong strokes. The other six Daimones, with a mix of dove-like and bat-like wings followed behind. Alec wrapped his arms around Elena and launched himself skyward. "Let's not reveal the full extent of your powers yet," he said softly into her ear as they brought up the back of the pack.

  A short flight later, they had flown northwest from Budapest to a small mountainside overlooking the Danube. A small ruined temple appearing to date back many centuries sat at the crest. Most of its remaining architecture seemed a mix of Byzantine and Roman influences, with some earlier provincial elements visible in the design.

  Aden and his troupe walked through the ruins and into a small Romanesque chapel built into the native hillside. Inside, they walked to the back of the structure, moved aside the altar, and descended a narrow stairway, which would lead them to the catacombs.

  However, to Elena's surprise, the stairs led to a narrow hallway eventually opening into a well-lit chamber. The massive chamber spanned almost the length of a football field. Stairways leading both upward and down were situated on the right and left extents of the room, and a grand staircase occupied the far end.

  "Alec, may I bid you welcome to my humble home?" Aden bowed with courtly grace. "Please, make yourselves comfortable while my companions and I don more appropriate attire for entertaining guests."

  The large Daimon left the room up the grand staircase followed by his companions.

  The others took a few minutes to dress and compose themselves. When they returned, Aden more fully matched her impression of a real Count Dracula. Dressed all in black his oily black hair and sharp widow's peak increased the intensity of his silvery eyes and the eeriness of his appearance. He wore a suit of fine silk, which seemed to have been hand tailored. His companions were also dressed in black but had at least added a modicum of color in the form of a handkerchief or shawl.

  Alec walked over to his host with open arms and gave him a powerful embrace. Elena took a few moments to examine the companions. They were all much shorter than Aden, of average human height, but all of them shared his same silvery eyes and oily black hair. Given their similarity in appearance to Aden, she figured they were all his offspring.

  "I trust, my friend, you will be staying for dinner and for the night?" Aden directed the question to Alec. They had eaten a little while earlier.

  Alec bowed back to Aden. "Yes," he said with the manners of a courtier, "we will."

  "Ah...wonderful," Aden said, raising his hands and gently clapping them together. "And now to the most important matter at hand." He bowed to Elena, "I apologize for my rudeness, but I am Adnachiel."

  He stood before her and offered his hand. She placed hers in his and marveled at the size difference.

  Aden led them into the dining hall. "As you are my guest and a companion to my dear old friend Alec, you may call me Aden. In literature, I am referred to as the Angel of Independence. I am not, however without my loyalties." He seemed deliberately to keep the nature of his loyalties unspoken.

  Aden guided her gently to her seat at a massive dining table appearing to be carved from a section of a massive tree. A full forty people of his size could have comfortably sat around the table without once rubbing elbows. But with their host, Elena, Alec, and the other six seated, it seemed to Elena to be a rather superfluous show of power and wealth. As she sat, Aden asked, "And you are, my dear?"

  Alec spoke up next. "I am also sorry for my rudeness, Aden," he said gracefully, "This is my ward, Elena. I am her protector."

  Aden's eyes flashed briefly. "You are not human, Elena."

  She liked Aden's direct approach, but still wondered how he knew.

  "Yes, Aden," she replied. "I am aware I'm not human, even though until recently I thought I was."

  "So then," Aden responded, appearing quite pleased with himself, "you are the newborn." He turned to Alec, who had taken a seat next to Elena at the massive table. "And it was you, Alec. You were chosen to be her protector. I can understand why. You and your family have been the most tactically adept of all Daimon warriors in this great war." Aden sat down, propped his elbows on the table, and leaned forward as the remainder of his companions followed and took their seats. "I take it then," he said to Alec with a sly grin, "you are seeking the Elder, are you not?"

  Alec nodded. "Yes," he said, "we are."

en nodded his understanding, "And you need my help to find him."

  Again, Alec nodded.

  "Has the girl exhibited any powers, yet?" Aden asked almost as a side note.

  Elena watched Alec, but when she could not see him give her any indication as to which way to answer, she replied, "Yes, I have."

  "Ah," Aden clapped his hands softly, "so you are awakening. This is wonderful news. It would appear the war will soon be coming to a close." Elena noted his clapping soon turned to wringing. "If the prophecies are correct."

  Elena could see a small mental thread reach out to Aden from another room to the right. "I believe our dinner is nearly ready," Aden said. "So come, my guests, and dine with us today. Surely, you must be famished after your long travels."

  Elena saw another thread lead from Aden to someone outside the room. He raised his hands as a dozen people dressed in tuxedos came walking into the dining hall carrying silver platters filled with food.

  The word dinner could not capture the sheer magnitude of food covering the massive oak slab before them. Spit-roasted pigs and lambs were served with all manner of breads, fruits, and vegetables. There were quite a number of dishes Elena did not even recognize and figured were local traditions. She noted a wide variety of juices available, and a distinct lack of wine at the table.

  A half-hour into the meal, Aden finally broached the topic of Mairya. "So, you say Mairya is following you?" Elena could hear the note of curiosity in his voice. "Personally?"

  "Yes," Alec replied with disappointment. "She is."

  Aden smiled. "What have you done to draw her ire?" He laughed a dark, wicked laugh. Elena felt a little ill at ease.

  She answered before Alec had the opportunity. "She is after me."

  "Why yes, dear, of course she is," Aden replied with a laugh. "With a mandate directly from Her, I suppose. However, this type of task is usually delegated to her very capable and murderous underlings and not Mairya personally."

  Elena blushed a little and studied the table. "She is also very upset with me."

  "Oh ho." Aden chuckled. "And how so? What could you have done to make her so angry?" Aden sipped his drink.

  "I broke both her arms and nearly tore her jaw off."

  "Excuse me," he said, "you did what?"

  Elena repeated her statement for him.

  "It's preposterous," he finally blurted. "It is not possible. She is a very powerful third generation Daimon. Far more powerful than I. And, if you pardon the expression, a nasty bitch." He laughed, waving his hand dismissively. "There is no way you could have hurt her so bad. I couldn't even do it."

  Alec spoke up, "Aden, it is true."

  Aden took another gulp of his drink, studying Elena over the top of the goblet. "Then," he said as he put in back on the table, "you really are the one prophesied."

  Several mental threads wound in multiple directions from Aden's head. They were all his, for she recognized their appearance from the one she'd observed earlier. She wondered if he could really be trusted and debated whether or not she should eavesdrop on his mental conversation.

  She could see an onslaught of mental threads return. At least ten of them were from very close quarters on the outskirts of the room, and the remaining several dozen appeared to have originated from far away. From these she picked up a handful of comments: Be careful. She will be very powerful... If this is true, then her powers would be very useful to us and our cause... She is too dangerous, and she cannot be allowed to live...

  She locked eyes with Alec, a little fear in her eyes. Aden must have seen this, and all of the mental threads were severed. To Elena, he said, "My dear, is something troubling you?"

  She paused, debating whether confronting him or not would be placing them in danger. If Aden were truly an enemy and if this were a trap, then it would be prudent to refrain from revealing too much of her own abilities and maintain the element of surprise should it be necessary to fight their way out.

  She considered for a few minutes and then realized all eyes in the room were upon her.

  "Aden," she said, "I apologize for sounding too forward, or abrupt, especially as you have provided this magnificent feast for us and have been such a gracious host. I do not want to be rude. But I am a little concerned. You see, I fear things are not as they appear with you." Alec shifted nervously in his chair as she spoke.

  Aden laughed, and almost as if on cue, so did his six companions. "Oh. And what is not as it appears?"

  She contemplated the best way to say what she wanted to say. Stalling, she said, "Well, you have not yet introduced us to your relations here. And it seems to me there are more beings here within your manse than appear at this table."

  Aden laughed some more. "You are very right. I do apologize. These 'relations' of mine, as you put it, are my children: Melachin, Sammal, Irhael, Ba'eral, Felicia, and Sophia." In turn, as he progressed down the line, each child nodded at the mention of their name.

  "Now," he continued, "as to the other beings in this manse, of course there are. I have quite a few human servants I pay to tend the house."

  "And are all of these servants telepathic like yourself?" she accused.

  Aden's expression did not change. "My dear, what are you talking about?"

  "You have been speaking with many individuals telepathically throughout dinner," she said to him. Alec shot her a glare, but she ignored his warning. "In fact," she continued, "some of your conversants are located right outside the walls of this room." As Elena spoke, her voice became more excited, trembling with anger.

  Aden's face became a mask of rage. "Child," he bellowed at her, "you dare to insult me in my own home?" He stood quickly and pushed back against his chair with such force it smashed to pieces against the far wall. His leathery wings tore through his silk suit and spread out to their fullest extent as he roared back.

  She could see mental threads shoot out from him in all directions and she gasped. Had he contacted the Opposition? She had to do something. Her heart pounding, she focused her mind on all the mental threads, seizing them with her own in hopes of finding out the messages they carried. But instead of divulging their secrets, they merely stopped in mid air.

  He glared at her with fire burning in his eyes. "How dare you hold my thoughts! Not only do you insult me, but you attack me as well!"

  She could feel his mental threads push against her mind, but she simply pushed back against them. Slowly, the threads retreated backward under the force of her mental push. She pushed gently, however, afraid she would hurt him otherwise.

  Aden bellowed with a bestial rage. His massive fists slammed down on the table, sending millions of cracks and fractures spidering through the centuries-old oak.

  "Who has sent you?" Aden bellowed with rage, "Who?" Turning to Alec, he screamed, "Alec, this is no mere child. She is far more powerful than any Daimon I have fought in the many millennia I have walked this earth. She is dangerous, and she does not understand."

  Alec stood. "Aden, my friend. All you say is true. I was there when she injured Mairya. I was there when she crushed René's mind with her own, and I have seen many more things of which she is capable but does not yet understand. We are here to seek the Elder. She needs his guidance—his tutelage, for she is far too powerful to learn her abilities on her own."

  Aden studied them both, his silvery eyes moving from one to the other and back again. As though someone had flipped some kind of switch, the storm of rage passed and Aden appeared as calm and collected as he had been before the confrontation.

  "Child," he said to her in a gentle voice, "do not fear me. I am not your enemy. The enemy is out there. They are the Opposition. If it were up to them, then we would all be captive under their yoke. Release your grasp on my mind, and we may again talk as civilized beings."

  Elena relaxed a little pulling her mind back as his mental threads shot outward briefly and then retracted. Aden retracted his wings, and walked to one of the walls to retrieve another chair for his place
. He removed the torn silk jacket and shook his head, "Such a shame. This suit cost me thirty-thousand Euros."

  He brought his chair over, placed it at the head of the table, and sat down. He knit his fingers together as he placed his hands on the fractured surface. "Thank you," he said. "I apologize for my outburst, but, you see, it was necessary. I needed to provoke you in order to see for myself what abilities you had. I see now you have developed some rather interesting abilities, and I can do away with my unfortunate pretense. Now, may I ask you some questions?"

  Elena nodded. "Yes, if you answer some of mine first." She had a cool edge to her voice. She understood now he may seem intimidating, but she would probably be able to handle him if a fight ever arose.

  "Yes, yes, of course. What can I tell you?" his deep voice had softened considerably.

  "So," she asked abruptly, "who was it you were talking to?"

  His warm smile returned. "I was talking to a great many of my colleagues at the same time. You were correct when you assumed several were outside of these walls. There are ten, in fact, of my compatriots located in the rooms adjoining this. They all have very special talents. Some were trying to ascertain what powers you possess, and others were simply eavesdropping on any conversation you were having with Alec."

  "Well," Elena retorted, "I am sorry to say Alec and I have not been having any conversations. I believe she, or one of her team, can see my mental threads and follow them. Because of this, our telepathy led us into a trap."

  "Yes," he said, "I understand you have not been conversing telepathically. I have also heard of some of the older generations having the ability to see others' thoughts. Some could even hear them if they wanted. I have one such specialist in the next room. Other Daimones had the ability to block minds, as you did to me now. You see there are a wide variety of abilities for powerful Daimones. But not all of them have been discovered; in fact, some have been long forgotten. Unfortunately, many of our younglings have never manifested these skills, and it is believed as the bloodline stretches farther from the source, from the Elder, and becomes more diluted with each generation, increasingly fewer abilities are passed on to the young. This is likely why Alec, here, has so few abilities himself. Elena, your progenitor must have been a very powerful Daimon indeed for you to possess the abilities you do."